Within 90 Days (Late Registration Renewal)
If your registration expired within the last 90 days, you may reinstate by applying through the “Within 90 days Reinstatement" category. For example, if your last day of registration was March 31st, the 90-day reinstatement period would be from April 1st to June 29th. After this period, you would be required to apply through the Less than 6 Years Reinstatement category.
The “Within 90 days Reinstatement” application is completed through eServices, similar to the registration renewal application, with the following differences:
- You must pay a late renewal fee, in addition to your registration fee. For the current fees, refer to Schedule D – Fee Schedule.
- Your registration fee will be prorated for the number of months remaining in the registration cycle. For example, if you reinstate in April, May or June, your registration fees will be prorated for 11, 10, or 9 months, respectively.
- You will not have the option to convert your full registration to “non-practising registration”, therefore you must be reinstated as a full pharmacist or full pharmacy technician.
- Upon completing your reinstatement, you must wait 1 to 2 business days for your PharmaNet access to be reactivated.
Here are the steps to reinstate your registration within 90 days:
- Submit your Continuing Education (CE) requirements.
Submit your CE through the PDAP portal by logging into your eServices account and selecting the “PDAP” link. For information about the CE requirements, visit the PDAP page or contact [email protected]. If you are on or expect to be on medical, maternity, parental or compassionate care leave, contact [email protected] to confirm if you are eligible for an exemption.
- Submit your Application for Reinstatement Within 90 Days.
- Log into eServices. Select My Profile > Reinstate Registration
- Review and update your information under the Registration Information, Education, Employment and Contact Information tabs.
- Provide your consent for the Criminal Record Check (CRC). Visit the Criminal Record Check page for more information. If you are due for a new CRC, a $28 fee will be included with your registration fee.
- Complete the Statutory Declaration.
- Complete the Professional Liability Insurance declaration. For information, visit the Professional Liability Insurance page.
- Drug Administration Certification (DAC) declaration.
If you had DAC prior to your registration expiry, your DAC may be reinstated if you satisfy all the criteria below:- Administered a drug via injection route or successfully completed a continuing education program in drug administration as specified in HPA Bylaws Schedule C and
- Administered a drug via intranasal route or successfully completed the Intranasal Administration Online Module as specified in HPA Bylaws Schedule C and
- Maintained valid First Aid and CPR certification throughout their drug administration certification as specified in HPA Bylaws Schedule C.
If you do not satisfy the criteria, you will be required to reapply for DAC. For information, visit the Drug Administration Certification page.
- Enter your Community Pharmacy Manager Education, as per PPP-69 (For pharmacy managers only).
- Pay the registration fee and late renewal fee.
For the current fees, refer to Schedule D – Fee Schedule. Your registration fee will be prorated for the number of months remaining in the registration cycle. Payment must be made with Visa or Mastercard credit card only. Other forms of payment, including prepaid credit cards, debit cards, bank drafts, money orders, and cheques, cannot be accepted.
After payment, your registration is reinstated. A confirmation email will be sent the following day. Please allow 1 to 2 business days for your PharmaNet access to be reactivated.
If you have any questions, contact the Registration Team at [email protected].