Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to submit a Criminal Record History (CRH) for the pharmacy application? I have already completed a Criminal Record Check (CRC) during my pharmacist registration renewal. What is the difference between the two checks?

All registered pharmacists and pharmacy technicians currently undergo a CRC through the Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP) as required under the Health Professions Act (HPA) at the time of initial registration and at least every 5 years thereafter at the time of registration renewal. This CRC check only reviews selected offences under the Criminal Code, whereas the CRH reviews all the convictions under the Criminal Codes within the previous 6 years. The CRRP is also specific to registrants and does not provide a means for the CRH of non-registrants to be checked.

The College cannot use the same CRC under the CRRP for the pharmacy licensure process since it does not meet the CRH requirements in PODSA.

All Direct and Indirect Owners and managers must submit a CRH as part of the licensure process. All owners who are registered pharmacists and managers must continue to undergo the separate CRC process to maintain their registration with the College.

For further information on the differences between CRC and CRH, refer to the Pharmacy Licensure Guide.

What do I need to provide for my pre-registration and full registration applications?

Use the following checklists to help you collect all requirement documents for your application:

Also review the College’s Scanning Guidelines and Checklist for Document Submissions and ensure your documents meet the requirements.

Who can notarize my documents?

Only a notary public or lawyer will be accepted for notarizing your documents.  Other professionals, including a Commissioner for Oaths, will not be accepted.

How should I submit my application documents?

Documents for your pre-registration and full registration applications should be uploaded through the online application modules unless otherwise instructed. Ensure documents are scanned in accordance with the College’s Scanning Guidelines and Checklist for Document Submissions. Fax will not be accepted.

Some of my documents are not in English, will they be accepted?

Documents in a language other than English must be translated by a certified translator.  Thus, documents that require notarization, should be notarized first and then translated.

I am an International Pharmacy Graduate. Will my pharmacy degree be accepted in Canada?

Contact the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) to have your documents evaluated.  Visit the PEBC website ( for more information.

I will be starting first year in the pharmacy program at UBC. By when do I need to submit my student registration?

Your online student registration application and notarized documents should be received by the College office no later than September 1, before the start of your first year in the pharmacy program.

I am currently working as a pharmacy assistant. Is the Pharmacy Technician Bridging Program (PTBP) still available to get registered as a pharmacy technician?

The PTBP is no longer available  for pharmacy assistants to become registered in BC as a pharmacy technician.  To become a pharmacy technician in BC you will need to take the New Pharmacy Technician Graduate  path and successfully complete a CCAPP accredited pharmacy technician program offered through a public or private college:

How long does it take to process my reinstatement application?

It takes at least 45 days days to process the application due to the Criminal Record Check (CRC).  If adjudication or fingerprinting is requested by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, the processing time will be delayed.  Once your application has completed processing, you will receive a confirmation email..

Can I email my reinstatement application and documents?

Yes, they can be mailed or emailed as long as the documents meet the requirements outlined in the  College’s Scanning Guidelines and Checklist for Document Submissions.  Fax will not be accepted.

How long does it take to process my full registration (Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician) application?

Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed within 5 business days. Any changes or updates (including the addition of PEBC certification results) made to your application will require up to 5 business days to review. You will be notified by email of any updates to your application status.

Full registration applications are generally submitted online through eServices, although a paper application will be required for specific scenarios.  If the latter, instructions will be provided to the applicant.  You will be notified by email:

  • If any required documents are rejected or missing;
  • When there is an update to your application including instructions for submitting payment to complete your full registration;
  • When your application is complete.

If any updated documents are required for your full registration application, most documents can be uploaded directly to the Full Registration online system unless otherwise instructed. These documents must be scanned in accordance with the requirements outlined in the College’s Scanning Guidelines and Checklist for Document Submissions document. Submitted documents will be rejected if they do not meet the scanning requirements.

Can I email or fax my Full Registration application?

If you were provided with instructions to complete a paper application for your Full Registration, you may submit it by email.  Otherwise, all other Full Registration application must be completed online through eServices.  Log into your eServices account and select “Full Registration” after your pre-registration application is processed and you have completed all other registration requirements.

Where can I obtain professional liability insurance?

Professional liability insurance may be provided by an employer or purchased yourself through a private insurance broker or membership with the BC Pharmacy Association. Your insurance must meet the three criteria listed on the Professional Liability Insurance for Pharmacy Professionals section of our website.

I was born and raised in Canada, and completed high school in Canada but I received my pharmacy degree in the United Kingdom. Do I still have to complete an English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessment?

Yes.  According to the ELP standards set by the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA), if you obtained your pharmacy degree outside of Canada or the USA, you are required to complete an English Language Proficiency assessment, regardless of your previous secondary or post-secondary education, work experience, or official language of the country where you obtained your pharmacy degree. Please refer to the Registration Committee Policy-1 on the College website.

Where can I take my English Language Proficiency (ELP) test?

Refer to Appendix 1 of the Registration Committee Policy-1 for a list of the accepted ELP assessments.

How can I submit my English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessment scores?

Official ELP results must be sent directly from the testing agency to the College.  However, for IELTS and TOEFL, a copy of the score report or the IELTS TRF number is accepted via email or fax from an applicant because IELTS and TOEFL scores can be verified online.

What is the validity period of my English Language Proficiency (ELP) result?

ELP results are valid for 2 years from the date the exam was written. ELP results must be valid at the time that you begin your practical training for the Structured Practical Training (SPT) requirement.

How often is the Jurisprudence Exam (JE) held?

JE sittings are held three times a year in February, June and October.  Refer to the College website for details.  This webpage will be updated when the exam date, times and locations have been confirmed.

How can I register for the Jurisprudence Exam (JE)?

Registration for the JE is completed online through eServices.Thus an applicant must be pre-registered with the College or registered as a student pharmacist in the final year of the pharmacy program at UBC, to be eligible to write the JE.

I am registered in another province as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician and am applying through the “Canadian Free Trade Agreement” (CFTA). Do I need to write the BC Jurisprudence Exam?

No.  As a registered, practicing pharmacist or pharmacy technician from another Canadian province/territory, you are not required to complete any additional assessments, including the BC Jurisprudence Exam.

What is the validity period of my Jurisprudence Exam (JE) results?

JE results are valid for 3 years from the date the exam was written.

When does the registration for the next sitting of the Jurisprudence Exam (JE) open and close?

JE registration opens online approximately two months before the exam date and closes approximately one month before the exam date.  Once the exam date, times and locations have been confirmed, the College website will be updated.  You can also find the registration deadline date on the same webpage.

What is being tested in the Jurisprudence Exam (JE)?

The JE is based on legislation contained in federal and provincial acts, their regulations, bylaws and published College Professional Practice Policies that pertain to pharmacy practice and registrant (pharmacist or pharmacy technician) responsibilities in the practice of pharmacy.  Refer to the JE Information Guide for details.

For pharmacist registration, where/how do I complete Structured Practical Training (SPT)?

If Structured Practical Training (SPT) is required, it is completed through the Canadian Pharmacy Practice Program (CP3) at UBC’s Division of Continuing Pharmacy Professional Development. The College recognizes the SPT component within the CP3 program as fulfilling the SPT requirement for the College. Full program enrollment is required.  Please contact UBC for any questions regarding the CP3 program.

For pharmacist registration, how many hours of Structured Practical Training (SPT) am I required to complete?

Pharmacist applicants who are required to complete the SPT are required to complete 500 hours. Please refer to Registration Committee Policy 6 for the types of applicants who are required to complete SPT

How do I obtain a work permit?

The College does not provide information regarding work permits.  Contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada  (IRCC) directly for details regarding work permits.

For pharmacy technician registration, how many hours of Structured Practical Training (SPT) am I required to complete?

Pharmacy technician applicants are required to complete 160 hours of SPT, if they graduated within the last 3 years preceding their SPT start date, or 500 hours of SPT if they graduated 3 years or greater preceding their SPT start date. Please refer to Registration Committee Policy 8 for details.

Can the hours that I completed for my practicum as part of my pharmacy technician program be applied towards a reduction in my Structured Practical Training (SPT) hours?

No, because the hours completed during your program has already been taken into account.

How long does it take to process my pharmacy technician Structured Practical Training (SPT) application?

When received, up to 5 business days.  Once completed, a confirmation email will be sent.

Can I email or fax my pharmacy technician Structured Practical Training (SPT) application?

Yes, you can email or fax it to the College.

Do I get paid for my pharmacy technician Structured Practical Training (SPT)?

Whether or not you are paid during your SPT, is an arrangement that is made between you and your site.  The College is not involved with this arrangement.

What is the validity period of my pharmacist or pharmacy technicians Structured Practical Training (SPT) result?

SPT results are valid for 3 years from the date of completion.

How long does it take to process my Drug Administration Certification application?

When received, up to 5 business days.  Once completed, a confirmation email will be sent.

Can I email or fax my Drug Administration Certification application?

Yes, you can email or fax it to the College.

When can I submit my registration renewal application?

You can complete your registration renewal once you have received your renewal notice, which is sent via email approximately 6 weeks before your registration expiry date.  You will not have access to submit your registration renewal application on eServices prior to receiving the renewal notice and fulfilling your CE requirements.  Refer to the Registration Renewal section on the College website for details on the renewal process. 

When is the latest I can submit my registration renewal application?

You have up to the registration expiry date to submit your renewal application.  The College recommends that you submit it as soon as possible upon receipt of the notice.  Try to avoid submitting it on the last day, especially if it is during the weekend, as the College will be unable to provide you support if you experience any technical issues when the office is closed.

What are the consequences if I do not renew on time?

You will be transferred to the Former registrant category. As a Former registrant, you will not be permitted to practice pharmacy in B.C. and your access to PharmaNet will be disconnected. Your Drug Administration Certification (if applicable) will also be removed and you will be required to re-apply.

Please note that you will still have access to eServices to complete your renewal, for up to 90 days from your expiry date.  However, a late fee will be applied as per HPA Bylaw Schedule D – Fee Schedule.

I have received my registration renewal notice but it won’t allow me to renew as it is showing an error message that states my CE’s are not complete.

You must complete your CE requirements before you can renew.  If you have completed your CE requirements but see the error message that you have not completed them, contact the Professional Development Department at: [email protected].

How do I get my employer to pay for my registration renewal?

You need to submit your online registration renewal application through eServices first, which includes the completion of your declarations (Statutory declaration, Professional Liability Insurance and Drug Administration re-certification, if applicable). When you reach the “Summary” tab, you will see a link to print the invoice to give your employer.  The employer can then mail the payment (cheque, bank draft or money order) along with this invoice or phone the College office to provide their credit card information (Visa or Mastercard).  Please note, Visa debit cards are not accepted.

If payment is not received, your registration renewal is incomplete.  It is a registrant’s responsibility to ensure payment is received at the College by their renewal due date.

I am in the process of renewing my registration and am trying to update my employment information. I work as a relief pharmacist only so how do I enter this information?

You need to list all the pharmacies where you provide relief coverage as your place of practice and select the pharmacy where you work the majority of time as your primary place of practice. Do not choose your corporation (head office) as your primary place of practice.

I am trying to update my employment information but I cannot find my place of practice in the system?

All BC licensed pharmacies can be found in the system.  For all others, enter the name and address of your place of employment in the “Other Employer” text box in eServices.  The Registration Department will review the information, add your employer to the list, if applicable or they will contact you for further information.

I am trying to renew my registration but cannot move past the employment page. What can I do?

When using eServices, using a supported browser is recommended to ensure the best results.  Please note that mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and iPads are not supported.  It is also important to ensure you have the most recent version of the web browser installed on your computer. Supported browsers for eServices include: 

  • Internet Explorer 8-11 (IE Edge not recommended) 
  • Google Chrome  

You can also try clearing your cache/browsing history: 

  Contact the Registration Department if you need further assistance.

I just renewed my registration, where can I get my new registration card?

You can print out your new wallet-size registration card through eServices under “My Profile” only when your current one expires because eServices is in real time.  For example, if a registrant completes their renewal before their renewal due date of October 31st, then the new card will be available on November 1st.

If I am not currently working in BC, do I still need to have professional liability insurance?

Yes.  Registrants must maintain at all times professional liability insurance coverage while registered as a Full Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician, regardless of whether or not you are currently working in BC, as it is tied to the registration class. As indicated in renewal requirement #6 on the College website, your professional liability insurance must meet the following 3 criteria:

  • Provides a minimum of $2 million coverage.
  • Provides occurrence based coverage or claims made coverage with extended reporting period of at least 3 years.
  • If not in the pharmacists’ or pharmacy technicians’ name, the group policy covers the pharmacist or pharmacy technician as an individual
I am certified for Drug Administration but I am not currently providing any immunizations via injection or intranasal route because I am in the processing of recertifying my First Aid/CPR as it has recently expired. Is that acceptable?

No, you must maintain at all times valid First Aid and CPR certification throughout your Drug Administration Certification and not let it lapse, otherwise your Drug Administration Certification will no longer be valid.  To become certified again, you may be required to re-complete a CCCEP-accredited drug administration training course and/or First Aid & CPR certification course. If you wish to acquire your drug administration certification again, email the Registration Department at: [email protected], immediately for the re-certification requirements.  Refer to renewal requirement #7 on the College website.

How do I renew my Drug Administration Certification?

Your Drug Administration Certification must be renewed each year at the time of your registration renewal.  You will be required to declare if you meet all three Drug Administration renewal requirements below:

  • In the preceding three years, administered a drug via injection route or successfully completed a continuing education program in drug administration as specified in Schedule C, and
  • In the preceding three years, administered a drug via intranasal route or successfully completed the Intranasal Administration Online Module as specified in Schedule C, and
  • Maintained valid First Aid and CPR certification throughout their drug administration certification as specified in Schedule C.

If you do not satisfy all three requirements to complete the  drug administration renewal declaration, your certification will no longer be valid.  To become certified again, you may be required to re-complete a CCCEP-accredited drug administration training course and/or a First Aid & CPR certification course. If you wish to acquire your drug administration certification again, email the Registration Department for the re-certification requirements.

How often do I need to do my Criminal Record Check (CRC)?

The CRC is completed for all registrants at least once every 5 years.  Thus, a new CRC is initiated in the 4th year because it must to be completed before you exceed the 5 year mark.  Further details can be found on the College website.

I just had a Criminal Record Check (CRC) done for my volunteer work. Do I have to complete another CRC for the College?

Yes, we require a separate CRC to be conducted, as the CRC for your registration must be initiated through the College and completed by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

I just completed a Criminal Record Check (CRC) for my registration renewal and I am applying to do some volunteer work. Can the College forward a copy of my CRC to another organization?

The College does not receive any specific details regarding the CRC.  We only receive confirmation of whether your CRC is cleared or not.  However, you can inquire directly with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General about sharing the details and results of your criminal record check with other organizations.

I just had a Criminal Record History (CRH) done for my pharmacy licence renewal application (as I am the manager/indirect owner of a pharmacy). Do I have to complete another Criminal Record Check (CRC) for the College?

Yes, the CRC required for your registrant renewal is different from the CRH for your pharmacy renewal.  They are required for different purposes under two different pieces of legislation. 

The CRH is required for all pharmacy managers and direct/indirect owners of a pharmacy for pharmacy license applications under the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act. The CRH is processed by Sterling Backcheck, results are sent to the College and reviewed by the College's Application Committee, if required.

The Criminal Codes reviewed for the CRC and CRH are not the same, and therefore, are not interchangeable. The CRC is specific to registrants and is not applicable to pharmacy owners that are not registrants.   As such, all direct and indirect owners and managers must submit a CRH as part of the licensure process.

How can I get a certificate of standing?

Place an order through eServices by clicking Events & Services  > Online Store and then choose “Certificate of Standing”.  When placing the order, enter instructions and/or the name and address of the regulatory authority where it needs to be sent in the “Order Instructions” field.  It takes 5-10 business days to process the order once received.

How long is my Certificate of Standing valid for after submitting my Pre-Registration application?

If an applicant does not complete the requirements for full registration within 12 months from the date the pre-registration application was received, an updated certificate of standing is required.  Please refer to the Health Professions Act bylaws (Section 42(1.1)) on the College website

What are the requirements of my Certificate of Standing for my Pre-Registration application?

A Certificate of Standing must be mailed or emailed directly from the regulatory body(ies) to the College office and dated no earlier than 3 months from the date the pre-registration application was received.  

When do I receive my Registration Certificate after completing my Full Registration?

A Registration Certificate will be mailed to the mailing address in your eServices account approximately 8 weeks after completing your Full Registration.

How do I order a replacement registration certificate?

Place an order through eServices by clicking Events & Services > Online Store and then choose “Replacement of Registration Certificate”.  The College requires the original certificate to be returned to the College before a replacement certificate can be printed. However, if your certificate is lost, a notarized affidavit must be mailed to the College. The affidavit should state that you no longer possess the initial registration certificate you received because it is lost, and if the initial certificate is found, you must return one of the certificates to the College.

How can I get a copy of my receipt related to registration (for applications, renewal fees, online purchases, etc)?

All receipts are available through eServices under My Profile > My Receipts.

For renewal fees, if you also paid the $28 fee Criminal Record Check fee, it is on a separate receipt so scroll down the PDF to see the second page.

What registration classes are in legislation?

All registration classes are listed in section 41 of the HPA Bylaws, and individuals who are registered in any of those classes are collectively referred to as “registrants”.  The College currently has 10 registration classes, which can be grouped into 4 major types:

  1. Full Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician
    • May practice pharmacy to their full scope of practice in British Columbia
    • Annual registration fee required
    • Professional liability insurance required
    • Professional Development and Assessment Program (PDAP) requirements must be completed for annual registration renewal
  2. Non-Practicing Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician
    • May use the title “Pharmacist (Non-Practicing)” or “Pharmacy Technician (Non-Practising), but must not provide pharmacy services in British Columbia
    • Annual registration fee required
    • Professional liability insurance not required
    • PDAP requirements not required for annual registration renewal
    • Must apply for reinstatement to transfer back to the Full Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician category and to provide pharmacy services
    • This registration class is not available for initial registration with the College.  A Full Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician may transfer to this class at registration renewal.
  3. Limited Pharmacist or Student Pharmacist
    • May provide pharmacy services only under the supervision of a Full Pharmacist, as they have not met all requirements for full registration.
    • Registration can be renewed twice for a maximum of three years for Limited Pharmacists; registration must be renewed annually until graduation for UBC students but no renewal for non-UBC students.
    • Annual registration fee is required for Limited Pharmacists.
    • Professional liability is required for Limited Pharmacists.
    • PDAP requirements not required for annual registration renewal.
    • Student Pharmacist registration is ceased at graduation. Pharmacy students who have graduated from their pharmacy program but wish to continue providing pharmacy services under the supervision of a Full Pharmacist may apply for Limited Pharmacist registration after graduation, if eligible.
    • Limited Pharmacist registration application must be reviewed by the Registration Committee.
  4. Temporary Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician; Temporary Limited Pharmacist; Temporary Student Pharmacist

For those who are not registered in any of the above classes, they are not a registrant and are termed a Former Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician if they were registered as a Full Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician with the College at one time.

  • Must not provide pharmacy services and cannot use the reserved title “Pharmacist” or “Pharmacy Technician”
  • Annual registration fee not required
  • Professional liability insurance not required
  • PDAP requirements not required
  • Must apply for reinstatement to transfer back to the Full Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician category and to provide pharmacy services
  • May order Letter of Standing and replacement of Registration Certificate.
I would like to change to the non-practising class before I am due for renewal. How do I change my registration class?

To register as a Non-Practicing pharmacist, you must transfer directly from the Full Pharmacist register to the Non-Practicing Pharmacist register at the time of your next renewal.

I am not practising now as I am currently on leave. Should I change to non-practising? Or do I have to change to Former?

It is up to a registrant whether or not they choose to renew and maintain their registration in the same registration class or transfer to Former  while on any type of leave of absence.  For complete details on the registration renewal requirements, refer to the College website.  If a registrant chooses not to renew their registration and decides to transfer to the “Former” category upon their next renewal, they can do so by logging into their eServices account to submit a transfer request online.  Click on Renew Registration > Former > Proceed to Renewal.

Registrants who are unemployed or on leave are not required to transfer to the non-practising registration class, which  is generally intended for those who do not provide pharmacy services (direct-patient care) but chooses to maintain  registration for keeping the “pharmacist (non-practising)” title for work purposes or meeting the pharmacy ownership director requirements.  Registrants who decide to change to non-practising are expected to understand their responsibilities should they wish to reinstate their registration to Full Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technicians in the future.

Registrants who transfer to the “Former” or “Non-Practicing” categories will have to apply for reinstatement and complete all reinstatement requirements before they can be transferred back to the Full Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician registration class.  At least 45 days is required to process the Reinstatement application due to the Criminal Record Check (CRC) and up to 5 business days to process the Full registration application.  Refer to the College website for details on the Reinstatement process in the “Less than 6 years in Non-Practicing or Former” category and “6 years or more in Non-Practicing or Former” category.

I am not registered as a Student Pharmacist nor Non-Practising Registrant. Do I need to have professional liability insurance even though I am not currently working?

Yes, professional liability insurance is required if you wish to maintain your registration. The requirement is determined by your registration class, not by whether you are actively practising or providing pharmacy services to patients in BC. 

This applies to registrants on any type of leave of absence, including parental or medical leave, who wish to maintain their registration. 

Can I use professional liability insurance coverage obtained in another province to meet BC requirements?

This depends on whether the professional liability coverage you have covers activities in BC. If the professional liability insurance coverage obtained in another province covers your activities in BC, then you may use it to meet the CPBC registration requirements. 

If the coverage you have obtained does not cover your activities in BC, then you will be required to purchase new or additional professional liability insurance to meet the CPBC registration requirements. 

Can I use the professional liability insurance coverage I have in another country to meet CPBC registration requirements?

The coverage obtained in another country will likely be restricted to the work performed in that country. You will need to confirm whether your insurance coverage extends to BC. 

What is my pro-rated fee for the 2024-25 billing period?

The College is transitioning to a single renewal date for all registrants, which will be in place by March 31, 2025. During the transition in 2024, if your renewal date is after March 31, your fees will be prorated until March 2025.

Please refer to the pro-rated fee chart below for detailed information on the transition period fees.

Why is the College moving to a single renewal date for all registrants?

The College of Pharmacists of British Columbia is transitioning to a single renewal date to enhance operational efficiency and to support the College's administrative processes. This change supports the College in its mandate of protecting public health.

How will the pro-rated fees be calculated for partial year registrations during the transition year?

The pro-rated fees are calculated based on the number of months from your current renewal date until the new single renewal date for all registrants in March 2025. A detailed breakdown of this calculation can be found in the table above.

Will there be changes to the requirements or process for renewing registration in the future?

There are no changes to the requirements or process for renewing registration.

How long does it take to process my pre-registration application?

It takes at least 45 days to process the application due to the Criminal Record Check (CRC).   If adjudication or fingerprinting is requested by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, the processing time will be delayed.  Once your application has completed processing, you will receive a confirmation email.

What do I do when my first aid and CPR has expired and I cannot complete my first aid and CPR recertification until a later day?

Your drug administration certification (DAC) becomes invalid until recertified.  You must not administer any drugs by injection or intranasal route immediately; otherwise, you will be engaging in unauthorized practice. You must inform the College immediately to remove your DAC. 

Once you have obtained your first aid and CPR recertification, contact the Registration Department.  You may resume administering drugs by injection or intranasal route once you have successfully recertified your DAC.