Accredited learning activities have been reviewed using stringent criteria to ensure they are of high quality, unbiased, and clearly identify learning objectives for participants. Accredited programs indicate the number of accredited hours assigned, and identify the accrediting body (such as CCCEP, UBC CPPD, ACPE, MAINPRO, etc.). Supporting documentation that states the registrant’s name, the accrediting body, the number of accredited hours assigned, the date of completion, date accreditation is valid until, etc. is received upon successful completion.
Non-accredited hours are accumulated through informal learning. If you are doing self-study or on the job training, this will be classified as non-accredited hours. For example, if you identify a learning need in the area of compounding, and you choose to read a publication on compounding and incorporate this learning into your practice, you can document the actual time spent on the learning activity using increments of 0.25 hours (15 minutes).