New Pharmacy Ownership Requirements
In May 2016, the Provincial Government approved amendments to the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act.
These changes permit the College to know the identity of all pharmacy owners, determine their suitability for pharmacy ownership and hold them accountable for providing safe and effective care by ensuring their pharmacies are compliant with legislative requirements for pharmacies in BC.
The College drafted amendments to the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act Bylaws and forms to incorporate the new pharmacy ownership requirements. The bylaws were posted for public comment between June and September 2017 and have been approved by the College Board for Filing with the Ministry of Health.
The new requirements came into effect on April 1, 2018. Renewals due on June 30, 2018 will be the first group of renewals to complete the new requirements and will be able to begin to do so on April 16, 2018 (75 days prior to renewal date).
Pharmacy Licensure Guide |
Quick Links
- Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act Bylaws
- New Pharmacy Ownership Requirements Readlinks Series
- New eServices Tutorial Video Series
- Types of Pharmacy Ownership
- Authorized Representatives
- Roles and Responsibilities of Direct Owners, Indirect Owners and Managers
- Eligibility Criteria
- Application Committee
- Criminal Record History
- Pharmacy Licensing Process
- Pharmacy Licences Renewal Process
- Questions
Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act Bylaws
Review the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act Bylaws which incorporate the new pharmacy ownership requirements.
Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act Bylaws Review the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act Bylaws |
New Pharmacy Ownership Requirements Readlinks Series
The New Pharmacy Ownership Requirements ReadLinks Series features more in-depth detail on key areas of the new requirements for pharmacy licensure and renewals to help pharmacies prepare to meet the new requirements. Please have a look at these topical articles to support you in the processes to meet the new requirements.
New eservices tutorial video series
The new series of eServices tutorial videos feature step-by-step instructions to guide you through completing the new pharmacy ownership requirements on the College's eServices Web Portal.
Pharmacy Licence Renewal - A Brief Overview
Updating Ownership Information
Uploading a Business Licence and Navigating the Pharmacy Portal
Engagement on the Implementation of New Pharmacy Ownership Requirements
Feedback was important to help inform the College’s approach to operationalizing the new pharmacy ownership requirements.
The College reached out to pharmacy owners and managers through workshops, discussions, and an online survey, to seek feedback on the new pharmacy licensing bylaws.
Consultation focused solely on the application of the changes to the College’s pharmacy licensure process as the new pharmacy ownership requirements have already been set by the Provincial Government.
Engagement Process

Results of Engagement
All the feedback received during the College’s consultation period is summarized in the New Pharmacy Ownership Engagement Report.
New Pharmacy Ownership Requirements Engagement Report |
The feedback received was very helpful and informed the development of operational processes and IT enhancements needed to support the new requirements. For example, feedback from owners of multiple pharmacies suggested including the ability to submit eligibility information at one time, rather than waiting for each pharmacy renewal date.
The College also used feedback from the engagement to help inform the bylaws. A key example of this is regarding the roles and responsibilities of direct and indirect owners. These responsibilities were adjusted based on the feedback provided to be more proportionate to the level of control/involvement they have in the day to day operations of a pharmacy.
Feedback also included concerns about the new Criminal Record History process. Participants indicated they were not sure which type of charges or convictions are covered under Canada’s Criminal Code. While it is not possible to include an exact list of charges and convictions within the bylaws, the College is working to provide further clarification and education around which type of charges or convictions are covered under Canada’s Criminal Code through an informational guide and other resources.
New Pharmacy Ownership Requirements Added to Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act
The new pharmacy ownership requirements were developed and approved by the Provincial Government as amendments to the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act. These requirements cannot be changed by the College, instead our bylaws operationalize the requirements as part of the pharmacy licensing process.
Review the approved Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act, or see the explanatory notes for Bill 6 which summarize the changes to the Act.
Key changes to the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act include:
- Distinguishes between "direct owners" and "indirect owners"
- Broadens the meaning of "pharmacy" and "pharmacy licence"
- Harmonizes requirements and processes for issuing, renewing and reinstating a pharmacy licence
- Sets eligibility requirements to hold a pharmacy licence
- Establishes a new Application Committee to review licence applications that do not meet the requirements of the Act and bylaws
- Clarifies that ownership of a pharmacy must be direct
- Adds requirements for direct owners, indirect owners and managers to provide Criminal Record History
- Requires direct owners, indirect owners and managers to comply with duties under the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act and Health Professions Act
- Requires direct owners, indirect owners and managers to give notice to the Registrar if certain events occur
- Applications received before the amendments come into force for pharmacy licences on or after April 1, 2018 will need to meet the new requirements
Types of Pharmacy Ownership
The Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act define the types of pharmacy ownership allowed in BC. In particular, the the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act distinguish between direct owners and indirect owners.
The type of ownership of your pharmacy determines what information is required as part of the pharmacy licensing process. While there are different types of ownership, the majority of pharmacies will fall under the “corporation” type of ownership.
It is important for owners to be able to identify their ownership type to ensure they meet the requirements for renewing their pharmacy licence or opening a new pharmacy.
In accordance with the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act, assess your pharmacy’s ownership model using the Types of Pharmacy Ownership flow chart.
Direct Owners
- a pharmacist or a partnership of pharmacists
- a corporation incorporated under the Company Act or the Business Corporations Act in which the majority of the directors in the corporation are pharmacists
- a partnership of corporations in which each corporation is incorporated under the Company Act or the Business Corporations Act and a majority of the directors in each corporation are pharmacists
- a hospital as defined in the Hospital Act
- an association incorporated under the Cooperative Association Act
- a society incorporated under the Society Act
- a university as defined in the University Act
- the Thompson Rivers University
- the City of Vancouver or a municipality
- the government
Indirect Owners
Publicly Traded
- officers and directors of the corporation
Note: Shareholders of a corporation that is traded publicly, that are not officers or directors, are not considered indirect owners.
- officers, directors and shareholders of the corporation
- officers, directors and shareholders of a parent corporation for a subsidiary corporation
(See Section 1 of the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act and Section 5(2) of the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act)
Authorized Representatives
Authorized representatives are individuals who are permitted to represent the pharmacy’s direct owner in the collection and submission of any and all information required to complete both the pharmacy licence application and renewal processes. They are also responsible for reporting any changes to a pharmacy’s licensure information to the College.
Authorized representatives are determined based on their relationship with the direct owner of the pharmacy.
Learn more about authorized representatives in this ReadLinks article: Who are the Authorized Representatives for Your Pharmacy?.
Types of Pharmacy Ownership
Learn more about pharmacy ownership structures and requirements for licensure in this ReadLinks article.

Roles and Responsibilities of Direct Owners, Indirect Owners and Managers
The new pharmacy ownership requirements specifically state that direct owners, indirect owners and managers must comply with duties imposed under the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act and Health Professions Act.
Managers will continue to be required to actively participate in the day-to-day management of the pharmacy.
Shareholders must meet the eligibility criteria for pharmacy ownership. Responsibilities will also include cooperating with College inspectors acting under the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act or Health Professions Act, and notifying the College of a change of name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address or any other information previously provided.
Learn more about responsibilities of managers and owners within the new ownership requirements in this ReadLinks article.
Eligibility Criteria
The new pharmacy ownership requirements establish clear eligibility criteria for direct owners to be eligible to hold a pharmacy licence. The eligibility requirements set in the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act allow the College to better protect the public by determining the suitability of a manager or owner.
Managers and owners need to meet the eligibility criteria in the Act, in addition to requirements under the College’s bylaws for a pharmacy to be licenced by the College.
The following would make an ownership application ineligible, or may require that conditions be imposed:
- owner/manager is subject to a limitation imposed by the discipline committee that precludes them from being an owner or manager
- owner/manager has, within the previous 6 years, been convicted of an offence under the Criminal Code
- owners/managers have, within the previous 6 years, been convicted of an offence under the Pharmaceutical Services Act
- owner/manager has been subject to an information or billing contravention,
- owner/manager has, within the previous 6 years, had their registration as a pharmacist suspended or canceled
- owner/manager has, within the previous 6 years, had a judgment entered against him or her in a court proceeding related to commercial or business activities that occurred in relation to the provision of drugs or devices, or substances or related services within the meaning of the Pharmaceutical Services Act (See Section 4(3) and 4(4) of the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act)
(See Section 4(3) and 4(4) of the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act)
Application Committee
Where an application for a pharmacy licence does not meet the eligibility criteria in the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act and the requirements in the College's bylaws, the Registrar must refer the application to the Application Committee.
The Application Committee can:
- request additional information or evidence from the direct owner, indirect owner and proposed manager
- issue, renew or reinstate the pharmacy licence
- issue, renew or reinstate the pharmacy licence with conditions
- refuse to issue, renew, or reinstate the pharmacy licence
(See Section 4(2)(3)(4) of the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act)
Criminal Record History
The new pharmacy ownership requirements require the Criminal Record History for direct owners, indirect owners and managers as part of the pharmacy licensing process.
To meet the new requirements under the Act, all direct and indirect owners (see Types of Pharmacy Ownership) and the manager of a pharmacy must provide a Criminal Record History to the College every five years as part of the pharmacy licence renewal process. This is also required as part of a new pharmacy application process.
In the case of a Hospital Pharmacy Licence and Pharmacy Education Site Licence, only the manager will be required to provide a Criminal Record History.
All registered pharmacists and pharmacy technicians currently undergo a Criminal Record Check by the Criminal Records Review Program as required under Section 20(3) of the Health Professions Act. However, this check does not provide same level of comprehensive Criminal Record History that is required to be provided under the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act. It also does not allow for Criminal Record History of non-registrants to be provided to the College.
As a result, the College cannot use the same criminal record check under the Criminal Records Review Program for the pharmacy licensing process since it does not meet the Criminal Record History requirements included in the Act. The College will be using a vendor that will meet the new requirements while supporting a timely and efficient process for obtaining a Criminal Record History.
Registrants will continue to undergo a Criminal Record Check by the Criminal Records Review Program as part of registering or renewing their registration as required under Section 20(3) of the Health Professions Act.
Direct owners, indirect owners, and managers of a pharmacy who are registered as pharmacists with the College will continue to have a Criminal Record Check completed every 5 years as part of their pharmacist registration renewal process (required under HPA). They will need also need to provide a separate Criminal Record History every 5 years as part of the pharmacy licensing process (required under PODSA).
Pharmacy Licensing Process
Direct and indirect pharmacy owners and managers will be required to meet the new eligibility requirements. The changes also mean that the direct owner of the pharmacy must apply for a new pharmacy licence or pharmacy licence renewal.
A transition process will be established to bring all pharmacies into compliance with the new requirements through the annual pharmacy licence renewal.
New Pharmacy Applications
Starting April 1, 2018, all new pharmacy licence applications must must meet the new pharmacy ownership requirements in Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act and College bylaws.
The Type of Pharmacy Ownership,will determine what information is required for a New Pharmacy Application. All pharmacy owners (direct and indirect) will need to be identified and will need to provide a Criminal Record History to determine their suitability for pharmacy ownership based on the eligibility criteria. All managers will also need to provide their Criminal Record History.
To learn how to apply for New Pharmacy Licence under the Act, determine your pharmacy’s ownership type then review the bylaws and use the New Pharmacy Applications flow chart to determine what information is required.
New Pharmacy Applications
Pharmacy Licence Renewal Process
The new pharmacy ownership requirements move the responsibility of renewing a pharmacy licence from the manager to the direct owner.
A transition process has been established from April 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 to bring all pharmacies into compliance with the new requirements through the annual pharmacy licence renewal.
Managers together with direct and indirect pharmacy owners are required to meet the new eligibility requirements in the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act and College bylaws.
The College recognizes that additional work will be needed during this transition period renewal, and we thank you for your patience and understanding in implementing in these new pharmacy ownership requirements.
To learn what’s needed as part of a pharmacy licence renewal under the new pharmacy ownership requirements, see the Pharmacy Licence Renewal flow chart below and review the bylaws.
Transition Period Renewal (April 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019)
To bring all pharmacies into compliance with the new requirements, pharmacies will initially need to submit the information necessary to demonstrate that they meet the new eligibility requirements as part of the pharmacy licence renewal process.
For this reason, pharmacy renewals between April 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 part of a transition process designed to bring all pharmacies into compliance with the new requirements. The transition renewal, which is only required once, resembles the more detailed process for new pharmacy applications.
To learn what’s required for a Pharmacy Licence Renewal during the transition period, determine your pharmacy’s ownership type then review the bylaws and use the Pharmacy Licence Renewals flow chart to determine what information is required.
Renewal (starting June 1, 2019)
Following the transition period, the process for pharmacy licence renewals will be streamlined. Starting in June 2019 direct owners, indirect owners and managers will only be required to review and update pharmacy ownership information and attest to meeting the eligibility requirements.
To learn what’s required for a Pharmacy Licence Renewal after the transition period, determine your pharmacy’s ownership type then review the bylaws and use the Pharmacy Licence Renewals flow chart to determine what information is required.
Pharmacy Licence Renewals

Questions about the new pharmacy ownership requirements? Contact [email protected].
College of Pharmacists of British Columbia
200 - 1765 West 8th Ave,
Vancouver, BC
Tel: 604.733.2440 or 800.663.1940
Fax: 604.733.2493 or 800.377 8129
Email: [email protected]