Thursday, October 15, 2015 marked ChangeDayBC – a new initiative built off the successful global movement for change in health and social care.
Driven by the BC Patient Safety and Quality Council (BCPSQ), ChangeDayBC committed to gathering 5000 pledges by the October 15 deadline. More than 52 organizations, including the College, partnered with BCPSQ to help share the ChangeDayBC message and seek pledges.
A pledge is something that a health care or social care professional commits to doing, changing or improving in their system. Anyone is able to submit a pledge through the online form on Pledges were accepted until Friday, October 30, 2015.
As of Friday, October 9, ChangeDayBC met their goal of 5000 pledges! As of November 10, 2015, there were 7779 pledges!
2015 marks the first year for ChangeDayBC.
Congratulations to all who participated. We look forward to the 2016 event!
- BCPSQC, Change Day