The Quality Forum is an annual event organized by the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council that provides opportunities to share and learn about improvements to the quality of health care. Over 900 people are expected to attend Quality Forum 2016 – here’s your chance to tell them about your work.
Participants can choose to deliver a rapid-fire presentation and/or display a storyboard on any topic related to providing better care for patients. The deadline for submissions is September 9, 2015.
The Quality Forum 2016 takes place February 24-26, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Participants represent the entire health care spectrum – from physicians, pharmacists and nurses to quality improvement professionals, executives, administrators, students and patients.
There are some exciting changes to this year’s Call for Abstracts. With the goal of providing more opportunities to spread ideas that have just been planted, there are now two abstract categories: Sprouts and Seeds.
- Sprouts
Your initiative is a sprout if it is underway or complete with results, “how-to” tips and lessons that you can share with Forum participants. Your initiative does not have to be considered a success – failures provide valuable learning opportunities, too! - Seeds
Seeds are promising practices and emerging ways of ‘how to improve care’ that are too young to have results. The Forum is your opportunity to seek input, inspire collaboration and motivate action at an early stage.
Visit for the abstract submission form, scoring and selection criteria as well as details about the rapid-fire presentation and storyboard formats. Participants may submit more than one abstract submission, but each abstract submission is limited to 300 words.
For more information, contact [email protected] or 604-668-8224.