Will there be changes to the requirements or process for renewing registration in the future?
There are no changes to the requirements or process for renewing registration.
There are no changes to the requirements or process for renewing registration.
The pro-rated fees are calculated based on the number of months from your current renewal date until the new single renewal date for all registrants in March 2025. A detailed breakdown of this calculation can be found in the table above.
The College of Pharmacists of British Columbia is transitioning to a single renewal date to enhance operational efficiency and to support the College's administrative processes. This change supports the College in its mandate of protecting public health.
The College is transitioning to a single renewal date for all registrants, which will be in place by March 31, 2025. During the transition in 2024, if your renewal date is after March 31, your fees will be prorated until March 2025.
Please refer to the pro-rated fee chart below for detailed information on the transition period fees.
The College does not receive any specific details regarding the CRC. We only receive confirmation of whether your CRC is cleared or not. However, you can inquire directly with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General about sharing the details and results of your criminal record check with other organizations.
Yes, we require a separate CRC to be conducted, as the CRC for your registration must be initiated through the College and completed by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
The CRC is completed for all registrants at least once every 5 years. Thus, a new CRC is initiated in the 4th year because it must to be completed before you exceed the 5 year mark. Further details can be found on the College website.
Your Drug Administration Certification must be renewed each year at the time of your registration renewal. You will be required to declare if you meet all three Drug Administration renewal requirements below:
No, you must maintain at all times valid First Aid and CPR certification throughout your Drug Administration Certification and not let it lapse, otherwise your Drug Administration Certification will no longer be valid. To become certified again, you may be required to re-complete a CCCEP-accredited drug administration training course and/or First Aid & CPR certification course.
Yes. Registrants must maintain at all times professional liability insurance coverage while registered as a Full Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician, regardless of whether or not you are currently working in BC, as it is tied to the registration class. As indicated in renewal requirement #6 on the College website, your professional liability insurance must meet the following 3 criteria: