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Pharmacist Registrant 50 (Aug 3, 2021)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to s. 32.2(4)(b)(ii) of the Health Professions Act, has reached an agreement with the pharmacist registrant to voluntarily suspend the registration as a pharmacist effective August 3, 2021. The Agreement remains in effect until further notice. The Inquiry Committee considers the Agreement necessary to protect the public. The pharmacist registrant's name has been withheld pursuant to section 39.3(4)(a) of the Health Professions Act.
Odijie, Wilson Akhahon (Jul 27, 2021)
Nature of Action: The Inquiry Committee of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (“CPBC”) conducted an investigation into the practice of Wilson Akhahon Odijie (the “Registrant”), pursuant to section 33(4) of the Health Professions Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 183.
The Inquiry Committee and the Registrant have agreed to resolve all matters arising from the investigation by way of a Consent Agreement under section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act.
Effective date: July 27, 2021
Name of registrant: Wilson Akhahon Odijie
Location of Practice: Dawson Creek, BC
Admissions and acknowledgements:
The Registrant has admitted and/or acknowledged the following:
Between May and June 2020, while he was the pharmacy manager and pharmacist, the Registrant sold an unregulated natural health product called Ankoro powder to patients at a BC licensed pharmacy.
The Inquiry Committee considered that the Registrant’s actions, conduct, and statements in relation to the ethical standards contravened, included the following:
- The Registrant did not confirm with Health Canada that the Ankoro powder was regulated or available to purchase in Canada. The Registrant did not purchase the Ankoro powder from a Health Canada approved wholesaler or pharmacy approved distributers.
- The Registrant did not use evidence-based information to determine if the Ankoro powder was safe or effective. The Registrant did not provide evidence-based information for the patients in this matter to make an informed decision about the purchase, use, and side effects of Ankoro powder.
- The Registrant sold the Ankoro powder as a regulated healthcare professional in a licensed pharmacy to four pharmacy patients.
- The Registrant did not confirm with Health Canada that the Ankoro powder was regulated or available to purchase in Canada. The Registrant did not purchase the Ankoro powder from a Health Canada approved wholesaler or pharmacy approved distributers.
The Registrant entered into a Consent Agreement with the Inquiry Committee of CPBC, wherein the Registrant consented to the following terms:
To not be a pharmacy manager and preceptor for a period of two years commencing on July 27, 2021 until July 26, 2023;
To successfully complete and pass an ethics course for healthcare professionals within six months;
To read and/or successfully complete courses on:
Decision making and documentation,
Pharmacy inventory,
Researching and critically appraising evidence and recognizing high-quality evidence-based literature, and
Health Canada’s policies and guidelines for purchasing and selling unscheduled, unregulated products to patients.
To have a Letter of Reprimand placed on his registration record for two years.
The Inquiry Committee considered that by procuring, purchasing, and selling Ankoro powder without evidence-based information as a registered pharmacist at a licensed pharmacy, the Registrant exhibited poor judgement that could undermine patient trust in registrants and society’s trust in the pharmacy profession. As a pharmacist and as a professional, the Registrant is expected to act in a manner consistent with the HPA, Bylaws, Schedule A, Code of Ethics (“Code of Ethics”). His actions did not support his behaviour. The procurement and sale of an unapproved, unregulated product did not protect or promote the health and well-being of his patients. The Registrant’s overall conduct amounted to professional misconduct given the violations of the Code of Ethics Standards.
The Inquiry Committee considered the Registrant’s conduct to be serious, and that the Registrant required remediation to come into compliance. Therefore, the Inquiry Committee considered the terms of the Consent Agreement necessary to protect the public, to prevent and deter the Registrant from similar issues occurring in his future practice, and to send a clear message of deterrence to the profession.
Filipovic, Nemanja (Jul 16, 2021)
Nature of Action: The Inquiry Committee of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (the “College”) conducted an investigation into the practice of now former registrant Nemanja Filipovic (the “Former Registrant”), pursuant to section 33(4) of the Health Professions Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 183.
The Inquiry Committee and the Former Registrant have agreed to resolve all matters arising from the investigation by way of a Consent Agreement under section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act. -
Effective date: July 16, 2021
Name of registrant: Nemanja Filipovic
Location of Practice: N/A
Admissions and acknowledgements:
Between January 2012 and June 2018, at two pharmacies, over 36,000 transactions for (non-narcotic) prescription medications, over-the-counter (“OTC”) and/or vitamin products were processed as either one-day or seven-day supplies on the PharmaNet records of 22 individuals. These 22 individuals were all either current or former employees of the two pharmacies, or family members of former employees of the two pharmacies.
These transactions were processed contrary to the way in which medications were dispensed to the 22 individuals and there was no clinical indication for the medications to be processed and/or dispensed on a daily or weekly basis, or to be dispensed at all. Furthermore, over 17,000 of these transactions were also backdated, to make it appear on PharmaNet that the transactions were processed on certain dates when in fact they were not.
At all material times, the Former Registrant was the director and owner of these two pharmacies.
The Former Registrant admitted that as the director and owner of the two pharmacies, he had suggested to and enabled staff at the two pharmacies to process prescriptions in this manner in order to artificially inflate prescription counts in order to meet corporate targets. His actions enabled the inappropriate access and use of personal information and PharmaNet records, and caused PharmaNet records to be inaccurate.
The Former Registrant entered into a Consent Agreement with the College’s Inquiry Committee, wherein the Former Registrant consented to terms that included (but not limited to) the following:
To pay a $30,000.00 fine;
To have his registration as a pharmacist suspended for a total of 540 days, to commence upon his reinstatement to Full Pharmacist status;
To not be a pharmacy manager, director, owner (direct or indirect), shareholder, and preceptor for pharmacy students for a period of five years from the date that his suspension ends;
To complete and successfully pass the College’s Jurisprudence Exam within one year of reinstatement to Full Pharmacist status;
To successfully complete and unconditionally pass an ethics course for healthcare professionals within one year of reinstatement to Full Pharmacist status; and
To appear before the Inquiry Committee for a verbal reprimand after completing the above term.
The Inquiry Committee determined that in his role as the pharmacies’ owner and director, the Former Registrant was in contravention of legislation which required him to ensure that meeting quotas, targets, or similar measures did not compromise patient safety or compliance with the bylaws, Code of Ethics or standards of practice. His actions, which were motivated by personal gain, enabled and perpetuated the processing of over 36,000 inaccurate PharmaNet transactions and the backdating of over 17,000 transactions, placing the affected patients at risk of harm.
The Former Registrant’s actions were considered serious contraventions of legislation involving his role as a pharmacy director and owner. He also contravened standards of the Code of Ethics involving protecting and promoting the well-being of patients, benefitting society, committing to personal and professional integrity, and participating in ethical business practices. The totality of his conduct amounted to significant professional misconduct, which warranted the remediation and sanctions referenced above.
The Inquiry Committee considered the terms of the Consent Agreement necessary to protect the public, as well as send a clear message of deterrence to the profession. Inappropriate access and use of personal health information compromises the public’s trust in the pharmacy profession as a whole. At all times, registrants must uphold legislative requirements and ethical obligations to appropriately access, use and protect personal health information.
Pharmacist Registrant 9 (Jun 29, 2021)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to section 36 of the Health Professions Act, has reached a new agreement with the pharmacist registrant, whereby the registrant consented to undertakings involving regular medical monitoring for fitness to practice pharmacy. The undertakings in the agreement include, but are not limited to the following:
- Informing all managers and employers with whom the registrant gains employment of the registrant’s medical condition and the need to maintain vigilance with respect to recovery and the possibility of relapse, and the limits and conditions on registration pursuant to the agreement;
- Ensuring that all managers and employers with whom the registrant gains employment submit a written statement to the College declaring awareness of the registrant’s medical condition and the agreement;
- Being restricted from the following roles in practice:
- Manager of a pharmacy;
- Direct or indirect owner of a pharmacy; and
- Preceptor for pharmacy students and/or international pharmacy graduates;
- Notifying the College of:
- all changes in places of employment as a pharmacist;
- all changes in residential address and phone number; and
- all changes in medical providers.
The name of the registrant has been withheld in accordance with section 39.3(4)(a) of the Health Professions Act for the purposes of not identifying the personal health information of the registrant respecting the condition. The Inquiry Committee is satisfied that the undertakings will protect the public.
March 22, 2021
(June 29, 2021 - Limits and Conditions Updated)
Pharmacist Registrant 9 has satisfied the terms of an agreement reached with the Inquiry Committee dated March 23, 2016. Limits and conditions on pharmacist registrant’s registration as a pharmacist have now been removed. The pharmacist registrant’s name has been withheld pursuant to 39.3(4) of the Health Professions Act.
March 23, 2016
(March 22, 2021 – Limits and conditions removed)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to Section 36 of the Health Professions Act, has reached a new agreement with the pharmacist registrant for an additional five year period until March 23, 2021, whereby the registrant consented to undertakings involving regular medical monitoring for fitness to practice pharmacy. The undertakings in the agreement include, but are not limited to the following:
Informing all managers and employers with whom he gains employment of his medical condition and the need to maintain vigilance with respect to recovery and the possibility of relapse, and the limits and conditions on his registration pursuant to the agreement;
Ensuring that all managers and employers with whom he gains employment submits a written statement to the College declaring their awareness of his medical condition and the agreement;
Being restricted from the following roles in his practice:
- an owner or manager of a pharmacy;
- a director of a corporation that owns a pharmacy; and
- a preceptor.
Notifying the College of:
- all changes in his places of employment as a pharmacist
- all changes in residential address and phone number; and
- all changes in medical providers
The name of the registrant has been withheld in accordance with section 39.3 (4) (a) of the Health Professions Act for the purposes of not identifying the personal health information of the Registrant respecting the condition. The Inquiry Committee is satisfied that the undertakings will protect the public.
August 6, 2015
(March 23, 2016 - Limits and Conditions Updated)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to Section 36 of the Health Professions Act, has reached an agreement with the pharmacist registrant to remove the following undertakings:
- To return to work gradually, in accordance with the recommendations of his physician;
- To not work alone for a period of six months after returning to work in a pharmacy setting, meaning that he must never be the sole pharmacist in attendance at any time and that there must be another pharmacist in good standing working with him at all times;
- Not being involved in the dispensing, ordering, contact, destruction, counting or otherwise handling of opiate and benzodiazepine type medications.
The remainder of the undertakings are in effect until further notice. The pharmacist registrant’s name has been withheld in accordance with section 39.3 (4) (a) of the Health Professions Act.
August 19, 2014
(August 6, 2015 – Partial undertakings removed)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to Section 36 of the Health Professions Act, has reached an agreement with the pharmacist registrant whereby the registrant consented to undertakings involving regular monitoring for fitness to practice pharmacy. The undertakings include, but are not limited to:
Routine and random medical monitoring;
Informing all managers and employers with whom he gains employment of his medical condition and the need to maintain vigilance with respect to recovery and the possibility of relapse, and the limits and conditions on his registration pursuant to the agreement;
Ensuring that all managers and employers with whom he gains employment submits a written statement to the College declaring their awareness of his medical condition and the agreement;
To return to work gradually, in accordance with the recommendations of his physician;
To not work alone for a period of six months after returning to work in a pharmacy setting, meaning that he must never be the sole pharmacist in attendance at any time and that there must be another pharmacist in good standing working with him at all times;
Not being involved in the dispensing, ordering, contact, destruction, counting or otherwise handling of opiate and benzodiazepine type medications;
Being restricted from the following roles in his practice:
- an owner or manager of a pharmacy;
- a director of a corporation that owns a pharmacy; and
- a preceptor.
Notifying the College of:
- all changes in his places of employment as a pharmacist
- all changes in residential address and phone number; and
- all changes in medical provider.
The agreement will remain in place for a minimum of two years of continuous pharmacy practice. The name of the Registrant has been withheld in accordance with section 39.3 (4) (a) of the Health Professions Act for the purposes of not identifying the personal health information of the Registrant respecting the condition. The Inquiry Committee is satisfied that the undertakings will protect the public.
March 15, 2011
(August 19, 2014 – Registration reinstated)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to Section 36 of the Health Professions Act, has reached an agreement with the pharmacist registrant to suspend his registration as a pharmacist effective March 15, 2011. The agreement remains in effect until further notice. The Inquiry Committee considers the agreement necessary to protect the public. The pharmacist registrant's name has been withheld pursuant to 39.3(4) of the Health Professions Act.
- Informing all managers and employers with whom the registrant gains employment of the registrant’s medical condition and the need to maintain vigilance with respect to recovery and the possibility of relapse, and the limits and conditions on registration pursuant to the agreement;
Pharmacy Technician Registrant 6 (Jun 23, 2021)
The Inquiry Committee has reinstated the pharmacy technician registrant’s registration which had previously been suspended for an indefinite period on April 19, 2021. Pursuant to section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act, the Inquiry Committee has reached an Agreement with the pharmacy technician registrant whereby the registrant consented to terms including, but not limited to, the following:
- To adhere to all steps and comply with all treatment and recovery plans as recommended by the medical provider(s) and/or most responsible physician(s), including maintaining compliance with medications and maintaining medical appointments;
- To comply and complete all terms of the Relapse Prevention Agreement for a duration of three years after the initiation of a graduated return to work over a minimum of four to six weeks; and
- To authorize and direct any and all caregivers and treating physicians to provide the College with a report and information that relates to the registrant’s health, recovery, and/or treatment plan pertaining to any health condition what could materially impair the registrant’s performance and/or fitness to practice as a pharmacy technician.
The Inquiry Committee considers the Agreement necessary to protect the public. The pharmacy technician registrant’s name has been withheld pursuant to section 39.3(4) of the Health Professions Act.
April 19, 2021
(June 23, 2021 - Limits and conditions updated)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to s. 32.2(4)(b)(ii) of the Health Professions Act, has reached an agreement with the pharmacy technician registrant to voluntarily suspend the registration as a pharmacy technician effective April 20, 2021. The Agreement remains in effect until further notice. The Inquiry Committee considers the Agreement necessary to protect the public. The pharmacy technician registrant’s name has been withheld pursuant to section 39.3(4)(a) of the Health Professions Act.
- To adhere to all steps and comply with all treatment and recovery plans as recommended by the medical provider(s) and/or most responsible physician(s), including maintaining compliance with medications and maintaining medical appointments;
Pharmacist Registrant 49 (Jun 10, 2021)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to section 36 of the Health Professions Act, has reached an Agreement with the pharmacist registrant to voluntarily suspend their registration as a pharmacist effective June 10, 2021. The Agreement remains in effect until further notice. The Inquiry Committee considers the Agreement necessary to protect the public. The pharmacist registrant’s name has been withheld pursuant to section 39.3(4)(a) of the Health Professions Act.
Pharmacy Technician Registrant 5 (Jun 1, 2021)
The Inquiry Committee has reinstated pharmacy technician registrant’s registration which had previously been suspended for an indefinite period on May 14, 2020. Pursuant to Section 32.2(4)(b)(i) of the Health Professions Act, the Inquiry Committee has reached an Agreement with the pharmacy technician registrant whereby the pharmacy technician registrant consented to terms including, but not limited to, the following:
- To comply with any and all recommendations and treatment prescribed or directed by medical professionals involved in the pharmacy technician registrant's care;
- To comply with any and all work plans and gradual return to work protocols as advised by pharmacy technician registrant's medical professionals and/or employers;
- To strictly adhere to the pharmacy technician registrant's routine medical monitoring program for a total period of 2 years of monitoring;
- To not order, handle, prepare, dispense or destroy any narcotic or sedating substances the pharmacy technician registrant may have access to while being medically monitored;
- To inform the College in via e-mail of the pharmacy technician registrant's places of employment as a pharmacy technician and report any changes to the location of their employment within 48 hours of such change;
- To inform all managers and employers with whom the pharmacy technician registrant gains employment of the limits and conditions on registration pursuant to the Agreement, if the pharmacy dispenses narcotic or sedating drugs;
- To ensure that all managers and employers with whom the pharmacy technician registrant gains employment submits a written statement to the College declaring their awareness of the limits and conditions on registration pursuant to the Agreement, if the pharmacy dispenses narcotic or sedating drugs;
The pharmacy technician registrant’s name has been withheld pursuant to section 39.3(4)(a) of the Health Professions Act.
May 14, 2020
(June 1, 2021 - Registrant Reinstated)
The Inquiry Committee, pursuant to s. 32.2(4)(b)(ii) of the Health Professions Act, has reached an agreement with the pharmacy technician registrant to voluntarily suspend the registration as a pharmacy technician effective May 14, 2020. The Agreement remains in effect until further notice. The Inquiry Committee considers the Agreement necessary to protect the public. The pharmacy technician registrant's name has been withheld pursuant to section 39.3(4)(a) of the Health Professions Act. - To comply with any and all recommendations and treatment prescribed or directed by medical professionals involved in the pharmacy technician registrant's care;
Petterson, Ian Douglas (Apr 27, 2021)
Nature of Action: The Inquiry Committee of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (“CPBC”) conducted an investigation into the practice of Ian Petterson (the “Former Registrant”), pursuant to section 33(4) of the Health Professions Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 183. The Inquiry Committee and the Former Registrant have agreed to resolve all matters arising from the investigation by way of a Consent Agreement under section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act.
Effective date: April 27, 2021
Name of registrant: Ian Douglas Petterson
Location of Practice: N/A
Admissions and acknowledgements:
Between at least 2011 and 2018, the Former Registrant diverted pharmacy supplies, including prescription medications, from a hospital pharmacy. The Former Registrant sold the diverted supplies to a community pharmacist in exchange for cash payments and did not deposit the funds obtained from sales into hospital accounts.
Evidence in the form of emails and software reports appeared to indicate the Former Registrant transferred prescription medications to the community pharmacy without properly recording the transactions.
Evidence in the form of emails and text messages appeared to indicate the Former Registrant circumvented hospital processes to divert the supplies from the hospital pharmacy. The evidence appeared to indicate the Former Registrant took steps to conceal his actions. The Former Registrant is likely to have benefited financially and professionally from the diversion and sale of the hospital supplies.
The Former Registrant entered into a Consent Agreement with the Inquiry Committee, wherein the Former Registrant consented to terms that include (but are not limited to) the following:
To suspend his registration as a pharmacist for a total of 365 days to commence from the date his registration is reinstated to Full Pharmacist;
To not be pharmacy manager, director or officer of a pharmacy for a period of three (3) years following the completion of his suspension;
To not be a preceptor or supervisor of pharmacy students or international pharmacy graduates for a period of three (3) years following the completion of his suspension;
To complete and successfully pass an ethics course for healthcare professionals;
To complete and successfully pass the CPBC’s Jurisprudence Exam;
To have a letter of reprimand placed on CPBC’s register indefinitely;
To appear before the Inquiry Committee for a verbal reprimand; and
To pay a fine of $35,000.
The Inquiry Committee considered that in this case, the evidence indicated the Former Registrant repeatedly diverted hospital pharmacy supplies over a prolonged period of time and sold them for cash to a community pharmacist. The Inquiry Committee identified that the hospital had policies and procedures in place to prevent theft and diversion, and that the Former Registrant circumvented these processes by using his title and status within the hospital.
The Inquiry Committee determined that the Former Registrant took steps to conceal his conduct, and in doing so, repeatedly broke the trust placed in him by his peers and colleagues. The Inquiry Committee noted that the Former Registrant’s pattern of conduct appeared deliberate and intentional. Further, the Inquiry Committee noted the Former Registrant was employed by a publicly funded institution at the time of the incidents, and therefore the Former Registrant’s actions were a violation of the trust placed in him by society as a whole.
The Inquiry Committee concluded the Former Registrant’s actions were a serious contravention of standards in the Code of Ethics as well as the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act. The Inquiry Committee concluded the Former Registrant’s actions compromised the public’s trust in the pharmacy profession. The Inquiry Committee therefore determined that the Former Registrant required serious remediation and deterrence regarding his conduct. The Inquiry Committee considered the terms of the Consent Agreement appropriate to protect the public, as well as send a clear message of deterrence to the profession.
Khun-Khun, Amandeep Singh (Apr 13, 2021)
Nature of Action: The Inquiry Committee of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (“CPBC”) conducted an investigation into the practice of now former registrant Amandeep Singh Khun-Khun (the “Former Registrant”), pursuant to section 33(4) of the Health Professions Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 183. The Inquiry Committee and the Former Registrant have agreed to resolve all matters arising from the investigation by way of a Consent Agreement under section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act.
Effective date: April 13, 2021
Name of registrant: Amandeep Singh Khun-Khun
Location of Practice: N/A
Admissions and acknowledgements:
Between April 2014 and October 2017, the Former Registrant used a physician’s name and license number to create prescription authorizations for himself, without that physician’s knowledge or consent. Records indicated that the Former Registrant used the physician’s name to create nine prescription authorizations totalling 75 dispensed transactions. The prescription authorizations included Schedule I drugs, Over-The-Counter supplements, and medical supplies. The Former Registrant was not in possession of a valid order from a physician at the time of creating and/or dispensing these prescriptions.
The Former Registrant was also found to have prescribed and dispensed drug therapy for himself. Records identified that the Former Registrant’s PharmaNet profile included 1,010 entries where he was both the receiving patient and the dispensing pharmacist, and 159 entries indicating he was both the receiving patient, dispensing pharmacist and authorizing practitioner.
The Former Registrant entered into a Consent Agreement with the Inquiry Committee, wherein the Former Registrant consented to terms that include (but are not limited to) the following:
To suspend his registration as a pharmacist for a total of 1825 days (5 years) to commence immediately on the date any other previous suspensions are completed;
To have a letter of reprimand placed on CPBC’s register permanently; and
To pay a fine of $15,000.
The Inquiry Committee considered that in this case, the Former Registrant’s conduct was a serious breach of legislative standards and the CPBC’s Code of Ethics. The Inquiry Committee determined the Former Registrant’s use of the physician’s name and license number without the physician’s consent violated the trust that healthcare practitioners place in each other when serving patients. CPBC registrants are required to act with honesty and integrity in all professional relationships, and the Former Registrant’s actions were contrary to this expectation.
Further, the Inquiry Committee determined the Former Registrant’s self-prescribing and self-dispensing of treatment was concerning and could have placed his own health at risk. The Inquiry Committee noted that CPBC registrants are prohibited from self-prescribing and self-dispensing treatment unless in extenuating circumstances. The Inquiry Committee was not satisfied the Former Registrant’s circumstances met the threshold to self-prescribe and self-dispense treatment.
The Inquiry Committee determined the Former Registrant’s actions were unprofessional, unethical and compromised trust in the pharmacy profession.
The Inquiry Committee therefore determined that the Former Registrant required serious remediation and deterrence regarding his conduct. The Inquiry Committee considered the terms of the Consent Agreement appropriate to protect the public, as well as send a clear message of deterrence to the profession.
June 12, 2019
Nature of Action: The Inquiry Committee of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (the “College”) conducted an investigation into the practice of now former registrant Amandeep Singh Khun-Khun (the “Former Registrant”), pursuant to section 33(4) of the Health Professions Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 183. The Inquiry Committee and the Former Registrant have agreed to resolve all matters arising from the investigation by way of a Consent Agreement under section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act.
Effective date: June 12, 2019
Name of registrant: Amandeep Singh Khun-Khun
Location of Practice: Vancouver, BC
Admissions and Acknowledgements:
Between January 1, 2014 and November 5, 2017, over 15,000 transactions for over-the-counter (“OTC”) and/or vitamin products were processed on a daily or weekly basis on the PharmaNet records of seven individuals. These seven individuals were not prescribed and had not received any of the OTC and/or vitamin products processed on their PharmaNet records. Most of the seven individuals stated that they had not willingly consented to having these transactions on their PharmaNet records.
These transactions all originated from a pharmacy where the Former Registrant was the pharmacy manager and owner.
The Former Registrant admitted that he had directed pharmacy assistants to process transactions weekly on PharmaNet in order to artificially inflate the pharmacy’s prescription count. The pharmacy assistants used the registration numbers of various pharmacist registrants as the dispensing pharmacist and/or prescriber for each transaction. The majority of pharmacy registrants stated that their registration numbers were used without their willing consent or knowledge. Many of these transactions were also backdated.
The Former Registrant’s actions and direction enabled the inappropriate access and use of PharmaNet records, enabled the inappropriate access and use of pharmacist registration numbers, and caused PharnaNet records to be inaccurate and not current.
The Former Registrant entered into a Consent Agreement with the College’s Inquiry Committee, wherein the Former Registrant consented to the following terms:
To suspend his registration as a pharmacist for a total of 540 days, to commence upon his reinstatement to Full Pharmacist status;
- To not be a pharmacy manager, director, owner (direct or indirect), shareholder, and preceptor for pharmacy students for a period of five years from the date that his suspension ends;
To successfully pass the College’s Jurisprudence Exam;
To successfully complete and pass an ethics course for healthcare professionals; and.
To pay a $30,000.00 fine.
The Inquiry Committee considered that the Former Registrant’s intentional directing of weekly transactions which enabled the processing of over 15,000 false prescriptions on PharmaNet involved significant breaches of confidentiality and trust. The fact that his actions led to an inflated prescription count, from which the Inquiry Committee believed he gained financial and personal benefit, made his conduct even more serious.
His actions were considered serious contraventions of legislation involving use and protection of personal information, appropriate use and access of PharmaNet and patient records, supervision of pharmacy assistants, and his role as a pharmacy manager. He also contravened standards of the Code of Ethics involving protecting and promoting the well-being of patients, benefitting society, committing to personal and professional integrity, and participating in ethical business practices. The Inquiry Committee also considered that the Former Registrant had previously consented to remedial undertakings to fully comply with ethical requirements, and he had breached these undertakings for this current matter. The totality of the Former Registrant’s serious, intentional, and repeated conduct amounted to significant professional misconduct, and the Inquiry Committee considered that the Former Registrant required the above-referred-to remediation and deterrence in order to come into compliance.
The Inquiry Committee considered the terms of the Consent Agreement necessary to protect the public, as well as send a clear message of deterrence to the profession. Inappropriate access and use of personal information, especially without consent, compromises the public’s trust in the pharmacy profession as a whole. At all times, registrants must uphold legislative requirements and ethical obligations to appropriately access, use, and protect personal information.
Dammeyer, Christopher William (Apr 8, 2021)
Nature of Action: The Inquiry Committee of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (the “College”) conducted an investigation into the practice of Christopher William Dammeyer (the “Registrant”), pursuant to section 33(4) of the Health Professions Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 183.
The Inquiry Committee and the Registrant have agreed to resolve all matters arising from the investigation by way of a Consent Agreement under section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act.
Effective date: April 8, 2021
Name of registrant: Christopher William Dammeyer
Location of Practice: Vancouver, BC
The College’s investigation:
Multiple registrants were involved in this matter.The College’s investigation found that between January 2012 and June 2018, over 20,000 false transactions were processed on patient PharmaNet records at two pharmacies, where the Registrant had worked at both pharmacies as a pharmacist and at one pharmacy as a pharmacy manager.
These transactions were considered false because:
- Schedule I (prescription) medications associated with these transactions had not been authorized or prescribed by the prescriber associated with each transaction;
- Medications associated with these transactions, which included Schedule I, Over-The-Counter (“OTC) medications and vitamins, were not actually dispensed to the “patient” in each case;
- Transactions were processed as one-day supplies or seven-day supplies, for the sole purpose of artificially inflating prescription counts; and
- Transactions were processed not for the purpose of providing health care and were not processed with each patient’s voluntary consent.
The College’s investigation also found that during the same time period, over 10,000 transactions were processed on patient PharmaNet records for medications that were actually authorized but processed as one-day supplies or seven-day supplies when there was no clinical indication to do so. The medications for these transactions were not actually dispensed to the patient on a daily or weekly basis, making each patient’s PharmaNet records inaccurate and not current. These transactions were processed in this manner for the sole purpose of artificially inflating prescription counts.The “patients” whose PharmaNet records were affected were all either current or former employees of the two pharmacies, or family members of former employees of the two pharmacies. Reportedly, the owner of the two pharmacies had directed for transactions to be processed in the above manner in order to artificially inflate prescription counts at both pharmacies.
The Registrant’s involvement and acknowledgements:
Regarding the Registrant’s involvement in this matter, the Inquiry Committee considered it substantiated, and the Registrant has acknowledged, that:
He processed false transactions for Schedule I and OTC/vitamin medications on his own PharmaNet record and on the PharmaNet records of his colleagues;
He processed one-day or seven-day supply transactions for Schedule I and OTC/vitamin medications on the PharmaNet records of his colleagues and colleagues’ family members, where these medications were not actually dispensed to the patient on a daily basis, making the patient’s PharmaNet records inaccurate and not current; were all processed as one-day supplies for the sole purpose of artificially inflating prescription counts; and were not clinically indicated to be dispensed on a daily basis;
He backdated PharmaNet transactions, meaning that the transaction records were created on a date later than the date that appears on PharmaNet;
He billed the false and inaccurate transactions described above to PharmaCare and/or third-party insurance plans, when he knew these to be false or misleading claims;
He processed medications on PharmaNet for himself;
He inappropriately used personal health information and created inaccurate PharmaNet records, placing himself, his colleagues, and his colleagues’ family members at risk of harm, in case their PharmaNet records ever needed to be accessed for legitimate medical reasons;
He failed to report to the College or to another person of authority regarding the improper practices occurring at the two pharmacies, even though he knew that these practices were improper; and
As a pharmacy manager, he enabled the false transactions on patient PharmaNet records, prioritized meeting quotas and targets over patient safety and compliance with legislation, and did not set or enforce policies and procedures at the pharmacy he was managing to ensure compliance with practice standards.
The Registrant entered into a Consent Agreement with the College’s Inquiry Committee, wherein the Registrant consented to the following terms (in part):
To successfully complete and pass an ethics course for healthcare professionals within two years. If he fails to complete this within the specified time period, his registration will be suspended for a period of 60 days;
To appear before the Inquiry Committee for a verbal reprimand after completion of the ethics course;
To have a letter of reprimand placed permanently on the College register;
To not be a pharmacy manager and/or a preceptor for pharmacy students for a period of one year from April 8, 2021 to April 7, 2022;
To pay a $3000.00 fine;
To successfully pass the College’s Jurisprudence Exam; and
To successfully complete and pass the “BC Community Pharmacy Manager Training Program” offered by the British Columbia Pharmacy Association, if resuming employment as a pharmacist.
The Registrant’s actions were considered serious contraventions of legislation involving pharmacy practice standards, the appropriate access, use and protection of personal health information and PharmaNet records, and his role as a pharmacy manager. His misconduct placed himself and others at risk of harm. The Registrant also contravened standards of the Code of Ethics involving protecting and promoting the well-being of patients, benefitting society, committing to personal and professional integrity, participating in ethical business practices, and conflicts of interest.
In determining an appropriate disposition for the Registrant, the Inquiry Committee considered the Registrant’s report of feeling pressured by his employer (the pharmacy owner) to commit these actions, and that he personally did not stand to gain financially from what occurred.
The Inquiry Committee considered the terms of the Consent Agreement necessary to protect the public, as well as send a clear message of deterrence to the profession. Inappropriate access and use of personal health information compromises the public’s trust in the pharmacy profession as a whole. At all times, registrants must uphold legislative requirements and ethical obligations to appropriately access, use and protect personal health information.