Guest Post: Therapeutics Initiative's 'Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians'
Are you a pharmacist who wants to learn how to think critically about the scientific evidence behind what we should or should not be doing with prescription drugs for conditions like Type 2 Diabetes, COPD, common infections, and dementia? Do you want to enhance your medication reviews by synthesizing best evidence with the values and long term interests of patients?
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 UBC Therapeutics Initiative members and invited speakers will be holding a conference, Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians: Combining Evidence and Clinical Pharmacology to Improve Drug Therapy. Join us at Surrey Memorial Hospital for a day of up-to-date, evidence-based, practical information on prescription drug therapy, and networking with pharmacists, physicians and other health professionals who share this interest.
This conference has run annually since 2014, and consistently receives outstanding reviews from participants. Past attendees have identified the thought-provoking, comprehensive and challenging reviews of evidence for drug therapies as energizing and practice-changing.
This year, we will be joined by Dr. Nav Persaud from Toronto. Dr. Persaud is currently leading a practice-based randomized controlled trial to explore the impacts of offering primary care patients free and convenient access to essential medications. He will deliver presentations on this topic and on his recent review of clinical trial evidence for a widely used treatment for morning sickness.
Back by popular demand, we will also be joined by Dr. Tom Finucane and Dr. Robin McKenzie from Baltimore. They bring with them extensive backgrounds in geriatrics and infectious disease, and a wonderful sense of humour.
Therapeutics Initiative is dedicated to conducting independent assessments of evidence on drug therapy. This conference does not receive any industry funding.
For more information and to register, visit
Note: If you are on Vancouver Island, a slightly different version of this course is being hosted by the Nanaimo Division of Family Practice at the Nanaimo Conference Centre on Friday, October 20, 2017.
This is also open to pharmacists and other health care professionals. You can learn more through the UBC Therapeutics Initiative website: It is not yet possible to register, but will be by early September at the latest.
UBC Therapeutics Initiative
The Therapeutics Initiative was established in 1994 by the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in cooperation with the Department of Family Practice at The University of British Columbia with its mission to provide pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals with up-to-date, evidence-based, practical information on drug therapy.
To reduce bias as much as possible the Therapeutics Initiative is an independent organization, separate from government, pharmaceutical industry and other vested interest groups. We strongly believe in the need for independent assessments of evidence on drug therapy to balance the drug industry sponsored information sources.
Visit or follow us on Twitter @Drug_Evidence to learn more.
- Guest Post, Therapeutics Letter, Drug Evidence