Under the Health Professions Act, registrants of the College of Pharmacists of BC are required to consent to a criminal record check (CRC) at least once every 5 years.
The 5 year mark for consent and re-check for the CRC is upcoming for many registrants this year.
You will be notified by email when your CRC is due for re-check.
In light of the recent news regarding the “Heartbleed Bug” exposing security flaws in some systems, the College has reviewed all its systems and has determined that all its systems are unaffected.
College systems remain secure and continue to operate efficiently. Please contact your personal IT support team to see if you or your systems may be vulnerable to the “Heartbleed Bug”.
The College has received a number of requests for clarity around the requirements of a prescription and a number of common practices in their processing that ensure smoother patient care.