Attention Required: Seeking Input from BC Pharmacy Professionals on Workplace Practices

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ATTENTION REQUIRED: Seeking Input from BC Pharmacy Professionals on Workplace Practices

The College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (CPBC) is inviting registered pharmacy professionals to complete a survey to help us better understand workplace pressures or directives that may challenge their professional integrity by asking them to practice in ways that do not align with professional and ethical standards. 

This survey aims to gather your insights and experiences about instances where you may have felt pressured to compromise your professional standards or judgement due to competing pressures or directions.

Take the Survey!

Your unique individualized survey link has been sent to your email.

Please check your inbox for the survey link and share your insights.

Please do not share your unique survey link as it is assigned to your email address and can only be completed once.

Deadline for Survey Submission: April 21 at 11:59 PM 

While completion is not mandatory for any registrant, your participation in this survey is crucial for CPBC to understand and address this issue comprehensively. Participation (or non-participation) will not have any impact on your registration status with CPBC.

All responses to this survey will be treated as anonymous. Responses will not be traced back to any individual registrant. This survey will be used to generate aggregate results only.

The survey, which should take about 10-15 minutes to complete, includes questions adapted, with permission, from questions originally developed by the Ontario College of Pharmacists and the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals. We thank them for their collaboration. 


If you're having trouble finding or accessing your survey link, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Apr 09, 2024